Digital Nomads Moldova Meetup #4


  • Digital Nomads Moldova Meetup #4

Подробная информация

Дата: 28 Апреля 2018, 17:00 Суббота
Цена: 100 лей
Телефон для справки: 068 999 608 / 060 889 089 (L-V, 09:00 - 18:00)
Место:Armeneasca 13A Hub


Please join the Digital Nomads Moldova meetup, at its 4th edition - a networking event for people who travel to and work from Moldova. The main idea of the meetup is to share tips and tricks related to living the digital nomad lifestyle.
At this edition we invited two guys, originally from Moldova, who are back home for some sort of vacation. They will share their stories: where they found their jobs, how they manage to travel full time while working, what jobs they do, what is their work and study background, how they started and what are their plans for the future.

About the guests:

  • Costi Plamadeala - backend developer, full time remote worker, at an american company, a job that he found through Upwork.
  • Nicolai Moraru - works as a frontend developer, full time remote worker, at All his jobs he finds through online job platforms.

If you have questions for our speakers, or want to share your expectations from the meetup, or if, maybe, you want to become a speaker for the next digital nomads meetup please write us here:

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