Jazz at Sunset



Date: 25 August 2024, 17:00 Sunday
Price: 100 mdl
Place: Hill&Valley, s. Teleșeu, Orhei


Sunday, August 25th, Hill&Valley and Misha Grossu Band invite you to enjoy a “Jazz at Sunset” concert with a glass of delightful wine and a picturesque sunset view.

Event Program:
17:00 – Open Doors
19:00 – Misha Grossu Band Concert
20:30 – After Party
· Wine tasting
· Food Court area
· Floral workshops

Date: August 25th, 5:00 PM

Location: Hill&Valley, Teleșeu village, Orhei

Ticket Price: 100 lei. Children UNDER the age of twelve get free admission.

What’s included in the ticket price?

  • MGB Concert and After Party
  • Walks and photo shoots at Hill&Valley


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