Brushes & Brews


  • Brushes & Brews

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  • 7 Марта 2025, 19:30 - 22:00
  • 8 Марта 2025, 15:00 - 17:00
Цена: 0 - 50 лей
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Событие:Brushes & Brews


Our 1st Brushes & Brews to support local artists!

What better way to celebrate Women’s Day weekend then visiting a woman owned local craft beer brewery, meeting local artist’s & drinking in their artistic interpretations that are of women.
There's a specialty beer for the event and a "in real time" work of art created during the event.
Entry 0 mdl -Women/ Femei
50 mdl - Men/ Barbati

19:30 to 22:00 - Meet Local Artists Ion Jabinschi & Olesea Shibaeva
19:30- Introduction of the Artists and of exhibit theme.
20:15-21-00 - A live art creation by local artists Ion Jabinschi
21:30-21:45 - lottery drawing for this original work of art created before your eyes.

Speak with the artists & learn about what inspired them to create these works.

All artwork will be on display from 15:00 - 17:00

Artwork at the exhibit are available to purchase and support the local artists directly!

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