The Power of Open Source Investigation


  • The Power of Open Source Investigation


Data: 17 Aprilie 2018, 18:30 Marți
Locul:Armeneasca 13A Hub


Please join the Digital Communication Network and the U.S. diplomatic mission for a workshop on open source investigation tools with Christiaan Triebert - The New York Times freelance journalist and investigative journalist at Bellingcat.
Christiaan will talk about his investigative and award-winning use of open source information: videos, images, data and information publicly available online that, if found, verified and provided with adequate context can tell important stories and challenge powerful narratives.

About the speaker: Christiaan Triebert is a journalist focused on conflict and development. As a member of Bellingcat, an open source investigative collective, he provides worldwide training in new verification and analysis techniques. He has published in Al Jazeera, the New York Times, Daily Beast, and Foreign Policy, and also works with monitoring organization Airwars. His work was awarded with the European Press Prize in 2017.

In addition to his digital research, Christiaan has worked as a (photo)journalist in a variety of conflict areas such as Ukraine, Iraq, and Syria. He holds a master’s degree in Conflict, Security & Development from King’s College London and two bachelor degrees (IRIO and Philosophy of a Specific Discipline) from the University of Groningen.

Register here: meetup/ the-power-of-open-source-in vestigation

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