Romania Business Analysis Conference - 7th edition - Chisinau


  • Romania Business Analysis Conference - 7th edition - Chisinau
  • Romania Business Analysis Conference - 7th edition - Chisinau


Data: 28 Septembrie 2019, 09:00 - 19:00
Preț: 100 euro


RBAC#7: Business Analysis Conference , Chisinau 28th September 2019
A full day dedicated to business analysis!
It is the business analyst with hers/hos set of skills, techniques and tools that guides the requirements and contributes fully to the initiatives' success.
The success of an initiative depends on how well iys requirements are understood, defined and managed during the entire implementation lifecycle.
RBAC#7, an event under the patronage, is about sharing the BA knowledge, learning, building the BA community in Moldova!
Looking forward to meet you at DigitalPark building for the lectures and hands-on workshops.

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